Parent Volunteer Guidelines

I searched for some ideas that will help our parent volunteers know Mr. B’s expectations in the classroom. I found a few sources from other kindergarten classrooms on the internet and revised a few of them to meet our needs.

NOTE: These volunteer guidelines are a “Work in Progress”. I will revise these expectations as needed. Please feel free to share additional suggestions with me that you feel might be beneficial. Thank You.

Please remember, assisting in the classroom is a privilege, not a right. If I feel that for any reason having a specific parent will or is causing tension (for the teacher, other parents, or the students) in the classroom, this individual will not be allowed in the classroom.

I am happy to entertain suggestions for the classroom. However, the decision to implement these suggestions are up to my sole discretion. Please do not be offended if your suggestion is not implemented. The reasons may be quite simple and I am always happy to discuss them with you. Please know that all decisions are based on the best interest of the children and the classroom atmosphere.

Mr. B’s Key Expectations:

_ Everything observed or heard while working in the classroom must be treated as confidential. No Gossiping about the children or other parent volunteers from our classroom! Mr. B, however, is “open game” (ha, ha – Don’t you dare!).

_ No one may use hurtful words or hands in any situation.

_ Children and adults will treat one another with mutual respect at all times.

_ Be a model. Demonstrate desired behavior. While leading small groups, state your students’ expectations ahead of time.

_ Encourage appropriate behavior through praise and attention.

_ Be patient with theĀ developmental level of each child.

_ Remember that children learn in different ways (multiple intelligences).

Define multiple intelligences:

_ Mr. Branstetter will be responsible for ALL discipline and decisions for our kids. Please do not take it upon yourself to verbally discipline or change the behavior clips of the students. Simply discuss the situation with Mr. B and he will decide what is best.

Volunteers are asked to:

_ Respect the privacy of each studentā€™s behavior and skills.

_ Let Mr. Branstetter know if you see or hear something that you feel is noteworthy, either positive or negative. This information is not to be shared with other parents.

_ Challenge students to find their own solutions – with your assistance.

_ Encourage students to do quality work with their best effort.

_ Be sensitive to surrounding groups meeting in the classroom, and control the noise level at your center. This will be done by speaking to the students in a soft and gentle tone of voice.